Meeting Date: February 25, 2016
Time: 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Location: C3626

Subcommittee Memberss


Eileen Moser, M.D.,  Chair P Hennrikus, M.D., Eileen
Jeffrey Wong, M.D. , Chair P Lopez, M.D., Hector P
Adams, Nancy P Matters, Ph.D., Gail P
Baccon, M.D., Jennifer P Richard, M.D.,  Dave P
Blatt, Barb Rill, Denise P
Felix, M.D., Todd P Rudnitsky, M.D., Gail P
Flanagan, M.D., Mike P Silvis, M.D. Matt
Glod, M.D., Sue Stuckey, M.D., Heather
Gonzalo, M.D., Jed Thompson, Ph.D., Britta P
Grap, M.D., Shannon Volpe ,Ph.D., Becky
Karpa ,Ph.D., Kelly P Wolpaw, M.D., Dan     P: Present                  A: Absent
Guests Administrator
Dan Hunt P Rick Bair P


1. Introductions
2. Disclaimer-Secretaries have no input in the LCME
a. Nothing about this conversation goes forward to the LCME from here
3. Use the Connections document
a. Read the element, skip over the DCI, and look at what the team member has to report on
4. Standard 8.1: Central Management
a. the spirit of the language has changed from 8 years ago
b. We need to integrate the content over the four year program
c. Content is now viewed over the four years, not just by individual courses
5. Standard 6.2: Required Clinical Experiences – as it relates to 8.1 in the management of the curriculum by a central management group
a. Data collection needs three areas: the level (watch/participate/assist), the location (clinic, wards, etc.), and the topic
b. All forms must meet the criteria
6. Standard 6.1: Program and Learning Objectives
a. LOs need to weave together so the curriculum committee can follow how a topic flows through the curriculum
7. Content Management and Mapping
a. Required to see how a topic is taught (and how) over the four years
b. Not just via course or was it taught

8. Standard 7.9: Interprofessional Learning Experience (IPE)
a. Where and who has IPE
b. Medical students should understand the scope and roles of other groups
c. Medical students need to work as a team member
d. Exposure to being on a collaborative team
9. Standard 6.3: Self-directed and Life-Long learning
a. Metacognition – students should know why they are doing this